NMEAremote supports a wide range of different message types and messages.
On this page you’ll find an overview of all supported messages.
NMEA 0183
NMEA 0183 is a standard for communication between marine electronics.
It uses a simple ASCII based serial communication protocol that defines how the data is transmitted in “sentences” from a talker to multiple listeners.
In short a sentences starts with either “$” or “!” as a start delimiter and ends with “CR/LF” (Carriage Return / Line Feed).
The first two letters in a sentence are the Talker ID, specifying the source of the sentence.
To define the semantic of a sentence it contains the sentence ID followed by comma separated values.
To extend the standard set of sentences there are also proprietary sentences starting with with a “P” instead of the Talker ID. (see table)
Following NMEA 0183 sentences are supported by NMEAremote:
ID | Description |
BWC | Bearing and distance to waypoint – great circle |
BWR | Bearing and distance to waypoint – rhumb line |
DBT | Depth below transducer |
DPT | Depth of Water |
GGA | Global Positioning System Fix Data |
GLL | Geographic Position – Latitude/Longitude |
GSA | GPS DOP and active satellites |
GSV | Satellites in view |
HDG | Heading – Deviation & Variation |
HDM | Heading – Magnetic |
HDT | Heading – True |
MDA | Meteorological Composite |
MHU | Humidity |
MMB | Barometer |
MTA | Mean Temperature of Air |
MTW | Mean Temperature of Water |
MWD | Wind Direction & Speed |
MWH | Wave Height |
MWV | Wind Speed and Angle |
NRX | NAVTEX received message |
PBGTTBS | B&G – Polar Speed knots & Performance % |
PBGTVMG | B&G – Polar: VMG Upwind Angle AWA, Upwind & Downwind Heading |
PCDIN | SeaSmart.Net – N2k Container |
PDGY | Digital Yachts: NavLink 2 Protocol |
PGN | NMEA 2000 PGN Data |
PMAROUT | Maretron Proprietary Output Sentence |
PSILTBS | Silva/Nexus – TBS (target Boat Speed) |
RMB | Recommended Minimum Navigation Information |
RMC | Recommended Minimum Navigation Information |
ROT | Rate Of Turn |
RPM | Revolutions |
RSA | Rudder Sensor Angle |
RTE | Routes |
VBW | Dual Ground/Water Speed |
VDM | AIS VHF Datalink Message |
VDO | AIS VHF Datalink Own-Vessel Message |
VDR | Set and Drift |
VHW | Water speed and heading |
VLW | Distance Traveled through Water / Dual Ground/Water Distance |
VPW | Speed – Measured Parallel to Wind |
VTG | Track made good and Ground speed |
VWR | Relative (Apparent) Wind Speed and Angle |
VWT | True Wind Speed and Angle |
WPL | Waypoint Location |
XDR | Transducer Measurements |
XTE | Cross-Track Error, Measured |
ZDA | Time & Date – UTC, day, month, year and local time zone |
NMEA 2000
NMEA 2000 (sometimes called N2k) is the newer standard by the NMEA organisation.
Extending the CAN bus (used on road vehicles and fuel engines) it is a binary protocol providing a higher transfer rate or plug and play.
A N2k message is indicated by its PGN (parameter group number) to determine how the data bytes should be interpreted.
As N2k messages are binary they couldn’t be transferred easily into an ASCII based data stream as the NMEA 0183 sentences
and there is no standard to transmit N2k messages via a Wifi network.
Some manufacturers of NMEA-Wifi devices defined their own way for N2k transmission. Mostly they convert the binary data into an ASCII form and use proprietary NMEA 0138 container sentences like “PCDIN“, “PDGY” or “PGN” (to be exact PGN is mentioned to become a standard sentence).
Following N2k messages are supported by NMEAremote:
PGN | Description |
127245 | Rudder |
127250 | Vessel Heading |
127251 | Rate of Turn |
127257 | Vessel Attitude |
127488 | Engine Parameters, Rapid Update |
127489 | Engine Parameters, Dynamic Update |
127493 | Transmission Parameters, Dynamic Update |
127497 | Engine Trip Parameters |
127501 | Binary Switch Bank Status |
127505 | Fluid Data – Dynamic Update |
127506 | DC Detailed Status |
127508 | Battery Status |
127513 | Battery Configuration Status |
127751 | DC Voltage/Current |
128000 | Leeway Angle |
128006 | Thruster Control Status |
128007 | Thruster Information |
128008 | Thruster Motor Status |
128259 | Speed |
128267 | Water Depth |
128275 | Distance Log |
129025 | Position, Rapid Update |
129026 | COG & SOG, Rapid Update |
129038 | AIS Class A Position Report |
129039 | AIS Class B Position Report |
129040 | AIS Class B Extended Position Report |
129041 | AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Report |
129283 | Cross Track Error |
129291 | Set & Drift, Rapid Update |
129539 | GNSS DOPs |
129540 | GNSS Sats in View |
129794 | AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data |
129809 | AIS Class B Static Data: Part A (Msg 24 Part A) |
129810 | AIS Class B Static Data Part B (Msg 24 Part B) |
130306 | Wind Data |
130310 | Environmental Parameters |
130311 | Environmental Parameters |
130312 | Temperature |
130314 | Actual Pressure |
130316 | Temperature, Extended Range |
Signal K
NMEAremote is able to work with Signal K servers.
Signal K is an open source universal marine data exchange format built on standard web technologies including JSON, WebSockets and HTTP.
NMEAremote is able to connect to Expedition and handle EXP messages.
B&G – H5000
NMEAremote connects to a H5000 system and shows its values.